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Writer's pictureMichelle Golden

The Writing Desk

January 27th, 2020

My document here says it’s been since November 11th that I last updated this journal. Not that things haven’t been happening, but we adopted two kittens since then. Now when I hear thumps or stuff falls over or things are out of place, I just blame it on the kitties. It’s been rather liberating, honestly. I have had a couple instances where something gets knocked down off a counter while I’m in the kitchen and there are no cats around. There has been a noticeable increase in the amount of electrical phenomena related events. Toys, devices, alarm clocks will still randomly go off for no reason. We heard this alphabet dog toy start to make noise in the basement and I looked at Jeff quizzically and he said, “Well maybe the cats are messing with it.”

I laughed out loud and replied, “Sure, they can press buttons, right?”

Later when I went downstairs, I looked for that dog toy and it was up in a cubby with other toys where the kittens would not have been able to fit. Also, I’ve noticed that the kittens do NOT like my closet. Sure, there’s lots of other places to hide and sleep in our house, but my closet door naturally swings open unless it’s completely closed. It’s usually always open and though it’s a decent sized closet full of piles of clothes and dark places to hide, I have not once seen either of the kittens go inside it. It's weird. I hate being in that closet too, though. It's also worth noting that the access to the attic is in that closet and we have yet to look up there since we moved in.

There is a lot to unpack about this past weekend. On Friday afternoon, I sat at my vintage writing desk and tried to do some automatic writing. The desk was purchased by my parents as a housewarming gift in June of 2018-exactly one month after we had moved in. We had been out thrifting at the local antique stores and I fell in love with it the minute I saw it.

Desk origins-This is how it was set up at the antique store

I did a little research on automatic writing before starting and realized that I’ve always been doing some form of it while journaling, but nothing quite like what I tried. I can dive into the specifics later, but for now I will say that I felt like I connected with a female energy. About 10 minutes after I finished, I was sitting on the couch with Nora, who had been napping through the automatic writing session, when I heard what sounded like a female voice humming. I had to think for a second of any logical explanation and my first thought was, “Maybe Nora has a stuffy nose or something.”

I leaned in closely and listened but she was breathing normally. No squeaks or wheezes, just the simple, soft breath of a deep sleep. I sat up really straight so I could hear the voice again and this time what I was hearing was more like a woman talking. Either she was talking with herself or she was on the phone maybe, but it was definitely more conversational than before. I couldn’t make out any other voices besides the female one. It was such a soft-spoken voice that my second thought was maybe there were neighbors talking outside-another perfectly normal thing to happen on a Friday afternoon. I looked out the big front window of my house that faces the street and looked up and down the road but there wasn’t anyone near the vicinity of my house that I could see. I stood listening for another moment more but the only phrase I could make out was what sounded like the female saying, “Come and see.”

Then the voice stopped and I didn’t hear anything else the rest of the afternoon. The whole interaction lasted about a minute. I ended up with a pretty strong headache after this event and felt very tired. I curled up next to Nora and fell asleep.

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